We’re a pretty ambitious crew. From our comfy rooms at the Shilo Inn in Grants Pass, we hit the Oregon Vortex and the House of Mystery, Crater Lake, many, many small towns, Bend and the Deschutes Brewery downtown with Kelsey and Elizabeth and then Laura’s first after-dark highway drive to the Eagle Crest Lodge in Redmond. All told more than four hours on the road. Ouch.
Seriously, there are more windy roads than imaginably possible. Carl and Laura like to joke about the drunken deer who created the trails that our roads were based on. These guys were friggin’ loopy. That is until we cleared Crater Lake and were on the road to Bend, which had nary a loop to be seen. Somebody was using his pica pole when he marked out this one.
So, long ride, short: Thanks for no rain or hail. New asphalt is not too much fun to ride on. There is a naysayer in ever Vortex tour group. You CAN have too many ‘S’ curves. You do NOT have to clean your plate. There are turkey crossings. The wind in Central Oregon may beat the wind AND rain on Highway 101 for most fun while riding a motorcycle, not. Drivers are more impatient in Central Oregon. Vertigo doesn’t go away just because the sheer drop offs are really pretty. Flip is a great way to make friends.
Flip’s watching the waffle get ironed at the Grants Pass Shilo Inn. Almost felt like home, except for the bizarre people hanging out there. But, wait, that describes us.
OK, infuse lots of loaded drama and speak in a deep, loud TV voice and pronounce, “THE … HOUSE … OF … MYSTERY! Bum, bump, bummmmmm!” The gang is all here at the Vortex, ready to debunk mysteries, right and left.
So, inside the vortex zone, your molecules contract or expand depending on where you stand (according to one theory). Sharon and Jim are showing how heights change on a level field. So, in this photo, Jim is humongous man, and Sharon is a shrinking woman.
And, in this one, Sharon grows up. (See previous photo).
On our ride to Crater Lake, Flip needed a sanity stop.
Turns out, there’s this big river running through it., dumping enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool per minute. Got your laundry ready?
Flip contemplates his spelunking options.
The gang, minus photographer Carl, hanging out at the Rogue Gorge wayside
Crater Park Ranger Leandra Lewis wanted to know more about the Flipster. This was a great experience, and Flip thinks she’s a “cutie patootie.”
Uh, God, you are amazing.
Sure, it’s big, blue and freakishly deep and vertigo-inducing, but how is the fishing?
Flip’s first major hanging out on the roadway for 30 minutes encounter while traveling the Crater Lake Rim. Good, stinky times.
The luggage carts at the Eagle Crest Lodge at Redmond are a thumb’s up for Flip after a busy sixth day.