On the road by about 9:30 after stopping at the Astoria Police/Fire Department to get an official HOG alphabet pose for our trip (A, check). Then we wended our way to Longview for grub a the Indy Diner. On up a blustery I-5 with lots of semis (not Laura’s favorite). Over on state Highway 12 through some tight curves, steep drop-offs and cute towns. Beautiful scenery when I’m not eyeballing the yellow line. Pitstop at Yakima Harley, dinner at the Buzz Inn in Ellensburg. Jacuzzie for Carl and Flip. Done and done. On to Coeur d’Alene tomorrow.
Stopping for breakfast at the Indy Diner in Longview Wash. Flip has his leash around his ankles, but is already enjoying the trip. Montana or bust!