So, how to followup our first grand motorcycle trip down 101 to the redwoods in 2014, well Flip really had a good time in Depoe Bay and he’s the boss of us, so there we go.
The ’08 Club’s new member rides an ’04 Road King, so he is in the club as an ’08 minus 4. All good. We’re sharing a condo just across from the ocean, and after our planning meetings at the Big O Saloon (Thanks, Barbarella (Kathy), we had no clue about where we were going, other than the condo.
Flip is a decider, though. So we hit a wayside, Wanda’s in Nehalem, the Cheese Factory, Pacific City and then GOALLLLLLL!!!!
Beautiful city, people, condo-mates. It’s great to be in Flip’s fan club.