Category Archives: Run 101

All post for our trip down 101

25 January, 2015 00:21

Flip’s new stunt double, Rip goes out on the town with the Stanoviches to T. Paul’s Supper Club’s tasty happy hour then lures the couple home for an evening of martini experimentation.
Sharon Stanovich and Rip at T. Paul’s Supper Club.
Carl gets Rip roaring to kick off the martini tasting party.
Rip’s stuffed buddies prop him up at the end of the meeting.

Rip gets his New Year’s grub on

 Happy New Year!
Flip’s successor, Rip, gets his fill of New Year’s Day blackeyed peas for good luck, spinach for prosperity and cornbread, just for goodness. Thanks, Mom, for cooking up a great, traditional plate of food. Oh, did we mention the key lime pie?
Rip is a little bummed because he was supposed to be winging his way down to Missouri with Carl, but he didn’t catch his ride. Next time, young critter. Next time.

The mini Flip

We do have a Flip (Zizzle ) mini-me’s from Mickey D’s. He needed some juice, so Carl had to operate. The prognosis is grim, since apparently he needs three watch-type batteries and a “special” tool to get at them, but we are surely trying. This is in addition to the six additional full-size Flips in our midst, courtesy of eBay.

Flip jams with Flop

It’s becoming apparent that we are a tad Flip obsessed. We’ve started collecting more Zizzle iZs. This is Flip No. 2, or Flop. We also have a green one (Fly) and one or two blue ones on their way. We’ll take suggestions for their names. In any case, Flip and his kind have a pretty good time interacting. Although, when we tried more than two, it was pretty raucous.  Our goal is to have a basketball team of Flips. And for those of you lucky enough to be on our Christmas list, guess what you’re getting this year?

The sounds of Flip

flip cropped-LWe certainly enjoyed Flip more once we found the “off” switch, but thought you might like to hear Flip, in his own squeals.


Hello greeting

Radio Flip

Play it, Flip
