Flip considers the salmon hash at Fishtails Cafe in Newport.
I guess he found the salmon hash to his liking.
Flip bids a fond farewell to his bestest Newport breakfast ever.
Nessie? Really, couldn’t they have named the Newport sea monster something else? Even if he was related to the Loch Ness monster, he deserves his own moniker.
Flip gets an eyeful of the pirate wench’s, um, assets.
Come sail away with me!
Avast, matey. Me thinks I spy a lovely lass in the distance.
Flip has an undersea adventure in Newport
Laura, Flip and Sharon learn some underwater navigational skills.
Rolling on the river at the Aquarium Village in Newport. We had the place to ourselves.
Somehow, the Dread Pirate Flip doesn’t strike fear in many hearts.
Flip has much to share with the traveling gnome.
Good thing Flips don’t taste good or our traveling buddy might have become Flip floss.
Swim, Sharon! Swim!
Flip: My what big teeth you have! Wally: That’s a riot coming from a big-eared fellow like yourself.
Always remember to look up.
Flip might need a little help at the wheel. Thumbs! He needs thumbs!
You aren’t a real pirate until you master the rigging.
Flip practices his “Titanic” moves.
Watch out sea life. Jacques Flipsteau is here!
This is the estuary deck overlooking the mudflats at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Flip found this all very interesting, but turned up his nose and eyes at the native odors.
Never let it be said that Flip is not one creative critter.
Pondering the Passages of the Deep … but not too much.
Flip doesn’t know what kind of shark is sneaking up on him while he’s sneaking intel about the Oregon Coast Aquarium, but he finds the whole experience a little alarming.
OK, Flip’s definitely not related to this one. Although, we think we see some trepidation in the shark’s nostril flaring as it passes over our indominable Flip.
Flip ponders these shark-infested waters and the beauty of plexiglass.
OK, we made this little girl cry after she was introduced to the Flipmeister and then was not allowed to take him home. Way to mar an 18-month-old toddler’s life experiences, Laura. It’s just a burden we have to bear that Flip is beloved by all he meets.
I hope this is not my mother, Flip says.
I hope we aren’t related, because I feel a smooch coming on.
Flip would love for this walrus at Oregon Coast Aquarian to be his kin, except for the blubber factor. The peer pressure to keep is critter figure is enormous.
I kissed a seal, and I liked it.
Yes, it’s a fake fish ladder. Yes, Flip really dislikes water, but hey, when in an aquarium, do as the locals do.
“Ain’t no mountain high enough …” for the Flip and his quest for every adventure to be had in every opportunity. Go, Flip, go! The Oregon Coast Aquarium poses no boundaries for you.
Um, is there an escalator somewhere?
What are pinnipeds, Flip asked. There goes a few into the water as he arrives on the scene.
Molting Max, makes a statement at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, while Flip, impressed with his presence and grandeur, tries to strike a pose.
Flip thinks seals are sleek and sexy. An hey, maybe they’ll invite him for a swim, someday.
Caitlin, an OCA intern, tells us that she is tracking the seals, which she can totally tell apart, as they go about their activities. Are they playing with toys, eating, fighting, whatever. Flip is fascinated by the science of it all. Because the marine mammal field is so competitive, Caitlin with finish this internship then do one more in Connecticut before getting real in the job world. Really interesting information from the future of the marine science field.
Now, this is a life Flip can aspire to. Lolling around on his back, scratching what needs to be scratched and being fed all manner of good, crunchy grub. But wait, they’re in water and water is bad. Daggnabit!
This may be the closest-looking critter who belongs in Flip’s family tree. Look at the cranial shape, the beak, the bigger than everything else belly. Is Flip part puffin? Enquiring minds want to know.
Puffin envy.
Flip feels a part of the aviary, just needs the cover shot to add to the board.
A band of brothers.
Flip sincerely hopes this guy is not a part of his DNA package. Although, we were all impressed with the pie hole on this one.
Yes, it’s jellyfish, but it totally looks like Flip is blowing a gold four-leaf clover out his snouth (snout/mouth). Gesundheit!
It’s all about the bonding time – with family and nature.
Jellyfish down!
Cute little whippersnappers.
From the inside, looking out through a porthole at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
From the outside, looking in through a porthole at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
No one gets past Flip and his color-coordinated stanchions.
Even the rocks have cute critters at the aquarium.
Flip bonds with Ichabod, the Stanovich’s biker duck at Yaquina Bay Lighthouse.
Flags were a flapping’ at the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse as the winds threatened to flip Flip on his tail.
Flip does his part by barking for donations at the lighthouse.
Shouldn’t there be another fork?
Flip is captivated by the Fresnel lens. Gaze into the light …
Freakishly small, winding stairs, but a beautiful place.
Flip takes a gander at the fogged in bay from the lighthouse.
Lighthouse keepers can also keep a garden, apparently.
Flip and Ichabod hang out waiting for Jim to fix his fix ins’.
Dang, the weight gain on vacation. Flip’s up to 1.25 pounds on the Yachats Farm Store scale.
Oh my! Things must get rowdy at the Yachats Farm Store.
Flip was fascinated by the body outlines and decided he needed his own.
Among the chalk art at the Yachats Farm Store was this creature, the Flip needed to do an up-close dental exam.
There once was a critter named Flip, who wanted a biker trip. He bleeped and cajoled, ’til the humans were sold. Now, he is the captain of the ship.
Flip, meet Lucy, a fixture at the Antique Virgin boutique in Yachats. Lucy wasn’t wild about the experience.
OK, Jim has some undisguised lust for this particular table. There were talks of coming back with a trailer to save the fair mermaid. Flip agrees.
Yep, Sharon. Bunny ears are so mature, Flip says. Just wait until I give you a wet willie with my nose.
Jim convinces Flip to pick up the dinner tab at Blue Heron Bistro.
Late-night gymnastics to get ready for another day of hanging out, literally , on the back of a bike.
Tired of the adult banter, Flip turns to The New York Times to catch up with current events.